
在全球范围内,已经实施基于理论价值的生产的业务合作伙伴的数量已经扩大到大约330家公司。此外,由于进一步追求改进,盈利能力大大提高。通过这一过程,业务伙伴和雅马哈汽车之间正在建立强大的团队合作关系。亚博比分官网全球供应商大会(GSC)自2013年以来,今年已举办第七届。•目标是与我们Monozukuri(工程、制造和营销)合作伙伴的供应商分享“下一个雅马哈”。•参与者包括来自13个国家的88家公司,日本的133家公司,雅马哈汽车及其子公司的高管和员工,共计约630名成员。亚博比分官网•在Monozukuri研讨会和会议上对我们的长期愿景进行了解释。•介绍了商业运作,并向商业伙伴颁发了卓越奖。基于理论价值的采购TVP(基于理论价值的生产)的基本原则是思考什么是可以实现的绝对理论最佳。它是制造操作的重要组成部分,但我认为你可以将其应用于物流、设计、能源使用,甚至工艺设计。减少损失是行动的一部分,是的,但损失本身是一种孤立的焦点。TVP更多的是关于全面优化——绝对的最佳。 Over the last five years, we’ve had improvement activities inside the company as well as with our suppliers in the United States, and this year we’ve identified twelve of our core suppliers that we will teach TVP to. We will work with them to help teach them and make improvements.I think the end goal is showing how the TVP mindset and understanding can be applied to any part of the company. Not just having Manufacturing doing it globally, but how do we do it with facets of product design, quality assurance, quality design, etc.MANAGEMENT INTERVIEWMichael (Mike) ChrzanowskiPresident of YMMC**YMMC: Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of AmericaNumber of companies implementing theoretical-value-based production2012542011442010302009132013672014862015146201618320172512018322JapanOverseasYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 201849

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