
薪酬水平等,参照总统和代表导演。外部董事和审计的作用和监事会成员提供监督和建议关于管理从客观和独立的角度来看,他们只是支付固定的基本补偿。代表董事是只支付整个公司薪酬与绩效奖金组成部分性能。薪酬与业绩的其他董事和执行官组成整个公司的绩效奖金和个人绩效奖金。董事的公司绩效奖金总额将支付高达0.5%的净利的所有者的父母之前巩固财政年度。个人绩效奖金将取决于参考0 - 2倍的范围内指定为每个位置,牢记目标成就的程度或进展的程度,提前为每个评价指标设置等。分享发行股份将提供薪酬限制转让一次每年根据指定的参考量为每个位置。为了确保适当性以及透明度和可行性的讨论过程关于高管薪酬相关的物品,决定将由董事会讨论后由行政人员和报告委员会,该公司已经建立了主动。董事会EvaluationPursuant雅马哈发动机的公司治理亚博比分官网准则,董事会分析和评估董事会的角色和责任的有效性作为一个整体在年度基础上。的从以下角度进行分析和评价,总结结果适当披露。(评价视角)1。角色和职责的Directors2董事和董事会。董事会和高级管理层之间的关系(高管)3。组织设计和董事会的组成,etc.4。 Qualifications held and knowledge of Directors and the Board of Directors5. Deliberation at the meetings of the Board of Directors6. Relationships and dialogue with shareholders7. Dealing with stakeholders other than shareholders(Evaluation process)The effectiveness of the Board of Directors was evaluated using the following process with the Corporate Planning Division acting as the secretariat.• Self-Evaluation Survey by updated questionnaire, based on seven evaluation perspectives regarding the aims of the Board of Directors and past evaluation results.• Conduct board investigations, analysis of the Self-Evaluation Survey responses, and interviews implemented by a third party.• Analyze the Self-Evaluation and Third-Party Evaluation results, and confirm the status of improvement, compared with the previous year’s evaluation.• Share the results of the evaluation of effectiveness and deliberate the issues to be addressed at the Board of Directors’ meetings based on the results of the analysis.(Evaluation results)It was confirmed that the Board of Directors continued to proactively hold effective discussions and implement creative initiatives to realize the medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value and sustainable growth, and the effectiveness was sufficiently assured toward the achievement of the Long-Term Vision, with an eye on 2030 and the Medium-Term Management Plan from 2019. In particular, it was highly evaluated that the comments made by Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members were fully respected, a climate was fostered in which constructive discussion and exchange of opinions were carried out, and the roles of Directors and the Board of Directors were clarified and shared. It was also confirmed that key issues regarding Yamaha Motor’s management strategy have been appropriately discussed. It was confirmed that there was no significant difference in the effectiveness of the Board of Directors between the prior Self-Evaluation and the Third-Party Evaluation. We will continue to push ahead with improvement measures to address the issues highlighted based on the evaluation and implement creative initiatives to further improve effectiveness by regularly involving a third party in the evaluation process.Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 201865

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