
促进中长期生存性的2018财政年度,雅马哈发动机制定2030年的长期愿景的口号下“艺术对人类的可能性。亚博比分官网“这个愿景明确国家目标和价值观雅马哈发动机想提供社会外部环境的巨大变化和更快的多元化的价值观的人。亚博比分官网我相信的公司可以做出贡献的领域扩大由于社会变化,包括规定的tighten-ing废气排放,电气化,发达国家的人口老龄化,先进的信息技术(IT)和人工智能(AI)技术。结合核心技术competen-cies迄今我们已经开发出与尖端technolo-gies和追求共同创造我们的业务合作伙伴,我们将努力创造一个更好的社会和日常生活提供更好的产品和服务,建立在人的天生的能力和可能性。亚博体育登录网址 免费实现这一目标的策略是“艺术为人类的可能性。”“机器人”的策略广泛指的是先进的技术,如电子控制和人工智能,和形式的基础下一阶段的增长在我们所有的业务活动。该战略的另一个方面是“独特的雅马哈的解决方案。“这是指系统自动低速流动(LSM)服务,我们正在进行实际测试和提供non-hardware解决方案。“改变流动性,”另一个组件的策略,问题之解决方案的提供,由我们的多轴倾斜(流明瓦)*技术和电动汽车(电动汽车)。当前的中期管理计划定位作为推进改革的前三年,旨在real-izing我们的长期愿景,我们正在努力改革管理平台和促进经济增长的策略。虽然我们提到的2019财年的业务结果是不利的,我们仍然能够按照计划推进我们的增长战略。* Yamaha Motor’s designation for vehicles with three or more wheels that lean like a motorcycle through turnsReforming Our Management PlatformsWe are reforming our management platforms using the latest digital technologies and data in our R&D, manufactur-ing, and corporate fields.In the R&D field, we are advancing model-based systems engineering (MBSE). Utilizing simulation models in the devel-opment process covering initial design to verification, we can perform strength and fluid analyses, etc., to identify and solve problems at an early stage and thereby conduct more efficient development and manufacturing.In the manufacturing field, we are moving toward the use of smart factories. This entails using a variety of sensors to collect digital data on the operational status of a factory, carrying out big data analysis, and then feeding the results back into the operation of the factory. Doing so enables the early detection and prediction of irregularities, and in turn leads to more efficient management.In the corporate field, we will promote the overhaul of enterprise resource planning (ERP). In seeking the best arrangement for a global corporation, we will standardize and unify our core systems. We will work to reduce costs and implement our growth strategies by increasing the efficiency of indirect processes and shifting resources to growth fields. From the PresidentToward Sustainable Growth12Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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