
促进增长StrategiesTaking新的挑战在我们的核心businessesWe采取诸如开始看到结果需各种各样的挑战,如我们的追求“有一天创建精益的自行车,但不下降”展示了由我们MOTOROiD和流明瓦模型,努力促进振和电动汽车的商业化,和努力旨在更多的自动化操作船舶在海洋产品业务。亚博体育登录网址 免费今天,应对趋势”连接、autono-mous、共享与服务,和电动”(CASE)车辆运输设备行业已成为当务之急。在这种背景下,电气化已成为一个关键字和雅马哈发动机已经制定目标,计划在2050年其产品的二氧化碳排放量减少50%(与2亚博比分官网010年相比)。亚博体育登录网址 免费作为这些努力的一部分,我们正在推动电子产品的制造和销售,包括摩托车的电气化。亚博体育登录网址 免费鉴于引擎随着我们的传统优势,它仍然是分化的一个重要元素,电气化运输设备行业有可能威胁到我们的生存。然而,虽然人们可能的流动性需求变化,这些需求不太可能消失。虽然我觉得一个多样化的改变将会值关于流动,部分原因是全球COVID-19大流行,我想尽快建立一个模型来生成稳定的收入即使电动产品成为常态,而确定市场和客户需求。亚博体育登录网址 免费为此,我们将EV-related投资定位为最高优先级的问题对于我们的核心业务框架,将承担这些,没有约束。促进开发新businessesWith关注发展中突出的新企业,到2030年,我构想了一个三相过程:电流的三年中期管理计划作为识别机遇的时期;随后三年投资管理资源集中的方式选择字段; and another three-year period in which the newly developed businesses begin to contribute to earnings. I believed that these periods were realistic based on my own personal experience. However, the incredibly impactful changes to the external environment brought by the global COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore various societal issues, and amid this we have fast-tracked our new business opportunity identification plan and narrowed down the fields to pursue to four: mobility services, LSM, agriculture, and medical. Going forward, we will focus on these four fields and invest our management resources to create new businesses and grow their scale. Forecast for Fiscal 2020At the financial results briefing in February 2020, I conveyed our intention to focus in fiscal 2020 on restoring the profit-ability of our existing businesses and moving forward in coordination with each business and corporate function, in light of growing uncertainty about the global economic outlook, the signs of a recessionary environment, and our business performance in fiscal 2019.However, the global COVID-19 pandemic is having an enormous impact not only on economies and business but also human life. Yamaha Motor has also implemented countermeasures, including production control based on careful assessment of demand and extensive cuts to expenses and investment spending.In addition, we have proactively and quickly provided donations and carried out support activities in our various regions of operation. In Japan, we manufactured plastic face shields and sterilizing detergent and distributed them to medical institutions as well as donating and offering free motorcycle rentals to physicians overseas (Thailand, Germany, and Sweden). In recent years, the Company has overcome several crises that have cut off its supply chain, from the large-scale floods in Thailand to the Great East Japan Earthquake and heavy rains in Japan. In the process, the level of the Company’s various initiatives related to our Business Continuity Plan (BCP), such as the preservation of our supply chain, has risen considerably. Accordingly, when an event occurs in a 13Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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