
接受进一步增长的挑战1953年,当日本走上复苏之路时,Nippon Gakki株式会社(今天的雅马哈株式会社)的第四任社长川上源一下令进入摩托车行业。尽管是后来者,雅马哈汽车能够在这个行业已经开始淘汰较弱亚博比分官网参与者的时代生存下来,并继续建立其当前的品牌价值。这要归功于传递给每一位员工的挑战精神——总是努力为社会创造新的Kando——但我也相信,这要归功于我们拥有的自由和开放的企业文化,促进了这种精神。人是价值创造的最大源泉,因此管理首先应该关注如何最大限度地提高组织和个人的绩效和积极性。在人力资源开发方面,我们每年都在改进针对各种员工的人力资源培训计划。例如,我们建立了针对员工职位级别的培训、磨练专业技能的培训、获得海外一线经验的计划,以及为有志于在全球舞台上活跃的员工提供的海外培训生计划,以及通过增强团队实力来提高组织绩效的培训。作为一家在全球运营的公司,促进多样性是至关重要的,以分享不同国家和地区的环境、文化和方法。在广泛分享这些知识的过程中,偶尔的价值观冲突会导致新的价值观的创造。具体而言,我们每年为最高级别高管召开两次全球执行委员会会议,每年为以下级别高管的特定职能召开几次全球会议。通过这种方式,我们为来自不同国家和地区的高管和员工创造了相互激励的机会。Business trends are approaching a major paradigm shift due to the electrification of mobility, the rapid development of digital technologies, accompanying changes in various social frameworks, and other factors. In such a context, the advanced technologies and wide-ranging business platforms that we have built and developed as well as the capabilities of our people to turn ideas and concepts into reality will surely be a major driving force for the Company as it takes on the challenge of reaching the next stage of growth.While continuing to work in harmony with society and the environment, Yamaha Motor will endeavor to deliver joy, surprise, and delight as well as prosperity and happiness to people around the world through its products and services.Yoshihiro HidakaPresident, Chief Executive Officer and Representative DirectorIn a business environment approaching a major paradigm shift, we will create new Kando by exhaustively refining the unique style of Yamaha.17Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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