
StudyBig案例数据分析提高铸造processCast部分创建使用模具,所以个人点和形状形成不能从外面看到。因此,它是一个过程,在很大程度上依赖于模拟和资深工程师的经验以提高质量。作为一个智能fac-tory倡议,我们收购了铸造过程相关数据生成超过200项,进行大数据分析的相关性和质量。通过这个,我们成功地削减defect-induced¥1亿的2019的损失。除了质量相关损失减少通过数据分析,我们已经开始发展自动化技术,如人工智能成像检查,并将实现他们在工厂网站我们在前进。通过lever-aging这些技术,我们将实现高质量、成本的竞争在全球范围内“。增强我们的竞争力通过灌输“globallyThe全球执行转换(得到)倡议成立于2020年1月作为全球活动组织与管理和业务功能。我得到主动作用涉及到共同监督我们的全球努力manu-facturing行业以及促进全球活动。具体来说,我们将为“灌输雅马哈发动机的愿景(Monozuku亚博比分官网ri(的方式)在全球范围内通过促进“通过一年一度的“全球管理会议。在会议上,我想不仅分享我们“还专注于改变制造业和改善我们的品牌价值。 Furthermore, I would like to create a global manufacturing team as part of efforts to more actively promote the Monozukuri Way at our overseas bases, in addition to domestic bases. By mutually sharing information and successful examples and developing best practices, we will raise the expectations of employees from overseas bases participating in the team and promote our Monozukuri Way while being able to pinpoint areas of improvement going forward. Moreover, a global manu-facturing team would also greatly enhance our ability to identify talented global manu-facturing personnel and develop such personnel over a short period.My goal is to lead our manufacturing bases around the world to improve our business performance while increasing the value we provide to customers, thereby raising the value of the Yamaha brand.Employees are able to check a variety of manufacturing site data on location in a timely manner, leading to prompt improvements.Message from ManagementMichael ChrzanowskiDeputy Executive Officer, President, Yamaha Motor Manufacturing Corporation of America (YMMC)Yamaha Motor Smart Factory Initiatives The incorporation of technology trends and practices such as Industry 4.0, IoT, and AI at production sites is drawing greater attention. The Company defines a “smart factory” as a system that links and unifies data on people, equipment, products, and information in manufacturing, markets, and engineering; and visualizes disparities and fluctuations between theoretical value and effective value in real time. The Company is moving forward with the establishment of smart factories as this system provides greater clarity to issues while efficiently reforming management methods, thereby contributing to enhanced corporate activities as a whole. This initiative is planned for ASEAN markets as well, and by becoming better able to gauge the manufacturing situations of our domestic as well as international bases, we are working to globally augment management efficiency. 43Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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