
机器人部门净销售额增长8亿日元(1.1%)至756亿日元,但营业收入下降90亿日元(53.9%)至77亿日元。值得注意的是,本财年的部门收益最新反映了YMRH及其子公司第二和第三季度(2019年7月至12月)的净销售额为120亿日元,经营亏损为28亿日元。排除YMRH及其子公司的影响,由于美中贸易摩擦导致表面贴片机和工业机器人销量下降,销售额和利润将有所下降。在YMRH及其子公司被纳入整合范围后,重组按计划进行。在关注需求趋势的同时,雅马哈汽车计划加快销售渠道的相互使用,并亚博比分官网提供综合产品方案,通过引入新车型和业务整合来发挥协同效应。亚博体育登录网址 免费在这一领域,净销售额增长19亿日元,或4.8%,至409亿日元,但营业收入下降42亿日元,或34.2%,至80亿日元。在所有区域,未偿应收账款余额稳步扩大,部分原因是在法国开始开展业务。销售额增长而利润下降,反映出上一财年在巴西没有实现一次性利润增长。公司将继续提供独特和便捷的服务,同时扩大其客户基础和业务到新的地区。在这一领域,净销售额下降了6亿日元,至1027亿日元,下降了0.6%,经营亏损达6亿日元,而上一财年的营业收入为24亿日元。虽然高价高尔夫车的销量有所增加,但受美国追加关税的影响和高尔夫车、发电机等市场相关费用的影响,销售额和利润都出现了恶化。在截至2019年12月31日的财年,雅马哈汽车集团的研发费用亚博比分官网总额为1020亿日元。雅马哈汽亚博比分官网车集团的企业使命是成为“Kando Creating Company”。我们渴望为世界各地的人们提供新的刺激和更充实的生活。 To this end, we provide unique and high-quality products and services made available through our technology to interweave human logic with sensibility by continuously striving to achieve “the unique style of Yamaha Motor’s engineering, manufacturing, and marketing,” aiming at creating “new, original, and innovative ideas and mes-sages,” “technology that creates joy and trust among customers,” “attractive designs to express Refined Dynamism,” and “power to build up a lifetime relationship with customers.”We make ongoing efforts to gain recognition from our various stakeholders that the “unique style of Yamaha Motor” constitutes the Yamaha brand, and to make our products and services the lifelong preferred choice for stakeholders. We believe that these efforts will enable us to achieve sustainable growth and enhance our medium- to long-term corporate value.We carry out measures to achieve sustainable growth and enhance corporate value under our Long-Term Vision, with an eye on 2030 and the Medium-Term Management Plan that runs for three years from 2019.Specifically, we carry out strategic investments for growth in such efforts as “Rethinking Solution” unique to Yamaha and “Transforming Mobility,” as we implement “Advancing Robotics” as our core technologies. We also expand human possibilities and contribute to the realization of a better society and more fulfilling life (through our concept of “ART for Human Possibilities”).R&D Expenses Ratio of R&D Expenses to Net Sales(¥ billion)(%) R&D expenses to net sales  R&D expenses ratio1051009020152016201720182019010.09.07.0856.0958.001026.183Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2020

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