
从Presidentlockdown限制在发达市场。亚博比分官网雅马哈发动机拥有多样化的产品线,这对我们恢复成为推动力,导致更多的顾客购买我们的产品等领域的首次摩托车、全地形车辆(atv),休闲越野的车辆(器)、舷外发动机,和个人的船只。特别注意的是越野摩托车的销售显著升高和录入模型全地形以及更高比例的首次购房者的海洋产品。亚博体育登录网址 免费鉴于这些趋势,先让新客户完全亲身体验我们产品的乐趣,我们搬到促进行动,帮助顾客选择买雅马哈和安心一辈子享受我们的产品,比如我们的客人cRU * 1支持程序运行主要在日本亚博体育登录网址 免费、美国和欧洲。同时,使用公共交通工具的转变在欧洲和日本已促使重新评价个人价值的流动性。在欧洲的某些地区,客户可以骑Tricity 300多轴倾斜(流明瓦)* 2模型我们推出了2020财年只有一辆汽车许可证,由此启动了一个客户细分与我们完全不同。此外,对电动助力自行车的需求已大幅反弹在欧洲,对环境的关注很高。与此同时,我们遇到某些情况下的“前线COVID-19大流行期间,不能由人类来解决工人。我们认识到将会有一个机器人越来越需要合作,帮助解决劳动力短缺和防止关闭,拥挤,和密切接触的设置,我们加大项目开发等相应的机器人。我把这个商业环境为雅马哈发动机和积极的一个机会为公司提高pres-ence通过提供独特的雅马哈的价值。亚博比分官网* 1业余选手的支持程序使用雅马哈摩托车* 2多轴倾斜:雅马哈发动机的汽车设计有三个或三个以亚博比分官网上车轮精益像摩托车通过把(日本专利局商标# 5646157)驾驶我们的数字转换创造新价值通过捕获NeedsYamaha电机推动数字转换(DX)利用最新的数字技术和数据strate-gic的方式。 Amid restrictions on going outdoors and dif-ficulties in maintaining physical customer touchpoints, we are accelerating our DX efforts based on the understanding that using DX to capture customer needs rapidly and accu-rately is a pressing task.With this in mind, we launched an online sales website for motorcycles in India in fiscal 2020. Everything from product selection to purchase can be completed entirely online and those making a purchase can also choose their preferred dealership as well as other options on the website. This service also addresses the needs of consumers wishing to avoid going outdoors by offering vehicle delivery right to their door.We are also advancing product innovation with the Internet of Things (IoT). In Indonesia, we launched a new connected version of the NMAX commuter vehicle equipped with IoT technology. Through a dedicated smartphone app, we are building a system that connects our customers, prod-ucts, and dealerships. Users can check the state of their engine oil and track fuel consumption via their smart devices, and we have created a service whereby in the event of a breakdown, the date, time, and location are sent via email to notify a dealership or a contact registered in advance. For marine products, we offer outboard motor boat control systems using IoT technology. By installing a data communi-cation module (DCM) on boats, we are helping facilitate the early discovery of quality issues and preventing problems before they occur.Meanwhile, we are working to promote DX on our pro-duction floors. By monitoring operating equipment, manag-ing production data in a centralized manner, and carrying out data analysis using artificial intelligence (AI), we have clarified issues that had not previously come to light, leading to productivity and quality improvements. Looking ahead, we will go global with these efforts, beginning in ASEAN markets, and share best practices through the centralized management of global production floor data to realize high-quality, cost-competitive Monozukuri.The greatest source of Yamaha Motor’s new value creation is the creativity of its people. However, it is not possible to fully apply such creativity while under a variety of constraints. I hope that all our employees will be able to fully flex their creative muscles by devoting the time freed up through DX to discussing new value creation and improving their work–life balance.14Toward Sustainable GrowthYamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021

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