
2021财年重点政策虽然没有自满,我预计2021财年将是我们看世界的一年逐渐回到pre-COVID-19条件由于扩大疫苗接种程序,我们计划把重点放在交付产品给客户。亚博体育登录网址 免费尽管土地流动,需要增加生产船用产品,和机器人技术公司,我们看到了我们的市场份额下降与某些产品组和地区由于供给跟不上需求。亚博体育登录网址 免费虽然我们满负荷运营在2021财年上半年从补充库存的角度对发达市场的流动性和海洋产品企业,我们将care-fully调整操作条件在下半年的财政年度,我们仔细观察市场趋势。亚博体育登录网址 免费与此同时,我们希望为摩托车在新兴市场继续温和复苏。中国的同时,需求支撑了机器人在2021年上半年的财政业务,我们预计需求将恢复在其他市场下半年的财政年度。在2021财政年度,我们打算利用这个上升的需求恢复和加强现有企业的收入结构,同时促进增长策略和行动支持我们的业务平台,以实现我们的数字目标。至于结构性改革,我们稳步前进,努力优化全球生产计划,完成整合我们的植物开始在印度北部和整合我们的植物在台湾在2020财年。在2021财政年度,作为重组的一个方面我们的生产基地,旨在提高生产效率和市场适应性在日本,我们已经决定重新分配生产角色岩田聪主要工厂在静冈县和周围的植物。我们希望投资¥140亿2025财年和招致不到¥30亿来支付搬迁费用和其他费用开支计划。与此同时,我们将制定措施来解决问题,在我们应对COVID-19曝光。亚博比分官网雅马哈发动机迄今为止努力优化其全球供应链视角的质量,成本和交付。 As a result, Indonesia and India function today as our primary global supply bases. However, should conditions materialize in which lockdowns are implemented in both countries, there is a risk that the impact would bring production at our facto-ries around the world to a halt. In light of this, I believe we must stabilize and reinforce our supply chain by once again reviewing our global production scheme, logistics functions, and other aspects.Since the 2008 global financial crisis, we have pursued break-even-point management feeling it an imperative to shift to an earnings structure able to withstand sharp declines in sales. Fiscal 2020 put the true value of this approach to the test, with the year’s events highlighting the gap between areas of the Company that have successfully implemented this approach over the past decade and those that have not. Therefore, we will conduct analyses of each subsidiary and department again to thoroughly implement our break-even-point management approach.We also saw major changes in the workstyles of our employees. Although we introduced new workstyles with remote working and the like, areas needing improvement have become apparent. We will thus explore and implement methods that strike a balance between improving the value of our employees’ free time and enhancing corporate pro-ductivity by streamlining work processes and discussing effective ways to use new workstyle systems. At the same time, we will continue elevating our use of digital technolo-gies in preparation for the post-COVID-19 era.15Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Integrated Report 2021

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