





阿勒星期东京2022年10月和今年早些时候举行是最大的贸易展在日本农业和牲畜产品和技术。亚博体育登录网址 免费亚博比分官网雅马哈发动机在那里作为一个参展商,显示我们的工业用无人驾驶直升机组成,农业无人机,Auto-Guided果园支持车辆如上图所示。
 "Beginning the long-awaited harvest is a joyful moment for any crop grower," says its creator, HONDA, Shirou. "I want Yamaha Motor technologies to be right there for that moment, helping the results of growers' hard work shine that much more." Honda's goal is to develop automation solutions that are not only easy to deploy but also easy for seniors--which comprise the majority of farmers in Japan--to make use of. "As Japan is facing serious challenges from a shrinking and aging workforce, it's also important that we paint a picture of the future of agriculture as one with cutting-edge technologies, like robot arms," he continues. "On the other hand, we also can't just move on without dealing with the issues we have in front of us right now."
 The average age of Japanese farmers today is about 68, with around half of them already in their 70s. "We're already short on time," admits Honda. "If we imagine what the agriculture industry will look like a decade from now without drastic change, it becomes clear that we urgently need to raise the volume a single grower can harvest. As a company developing both robots and mobility products, I believe Yamaha Motor's knowledge and technologies can make real contributions here."



 These labor-saving orchards employ methods to alter the shapes fruit trees grow into so as to form densely planted rows that still produce evenly sized crops. As this results in orchards well suited to automation without reducing crop yield or quality, studies into this method and its propagation are being actively pushed by research institutes and the like.
 "Many orchards are on sloped or uneven ground and irregularities like the width between trees make it difficult for potentially labor-saving machines to make a difference," says Honda. "This necessitates a lot of heavy labor, working by hand or transporting things. To properly address the issues, the agricultural setting and automation technologies need to work together."
 Studies conducted at agricultural test sites have shown that a combination of labor-saving tree growth and automated vehicles can reduce annual work hours by 30% or more. In addition, many growers at the Agri Week trade show that visited the Yamaha Motor booth and saw the vehicle commented that they were hoping for something like it, assuring Honda that the "moving stepladder" he is developing is on the right track.





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